Saturday, November 27, 2004

Coach Sam's Holiday Tennis Tournament

The Highlight of the Thanksgiving Holidays was my one day non elimination tennis tournament in Nassau Bay. The non elimination format allowed players to get lots of practice and experience match play pressure in a safe, controlled environment. Players were divided into three groups based on age and skill level. Modified scoring was used in the younger divisions. This was a very successful event. Everyone got to play lots of tennis and a good time was had by all participants. The event had entrants from my various programs in League City, Nassau Bay, and Seabrook.

The weather conditions were perfect. I couldn't have asked for a nicer day for the players and parents, many of which were experiencing their first tennis tournament. Undefeated players in each group included: Patrick Creamer, Alex Gatica, and Will Leighton.

More photos will be published in the next few days.

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