Dear Tennis Friends, I hope you enjoy this collection of photos from lessons, tournaments, and special tennis events that I have organized. Each photo is a precious memory and a reminder of how blessed I am to be called your coach and friend. Thanks for the memories...! -Coach Sam . .
I'm Back Publishing Photos Again...! I had taken a short break here in the new year but I ave many photos to share so check back daily for updates and commentary...!
Ashleigh Calcote has been playing tennis in Coach Sam's Home School Program for two years now and she is just starting to get involved in match play and tournaments.
Here's a photo of Coach Sam and Reed Hopping. Reed was one of Coach Sam's students nearly 4 years ago. This photo was taken during a recent tournament in which Reed's younger brother Grant was playing in.
Mackenzie Reeves is in the Nassau Bay After School Group. She has been playing tennis for a little over 6 months and is improving very rapidly. Here she is posing for a bachand volley.